Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Great Start

Wow!, what a great start to the year at our first Women In Business for 2010. The room was overflowing with women. In fact that has posed a good problem. We need a larger venue.
The room was charged with the electricity of  good communication, networking and reconnecting.
The guest speaker Celeste Miller, spoke on "Goal setting and Leadership".
  • Start your business with the end goal in mind.
  • Managers Tools - Step back from the situation, - Think - Organise my thoughts, - Proceed
  • Have a game plan in place, with 5 levels of focus - vision - planing - detail - problems - drama.
  • Keep momentum/motivation in your business - ask What do I want from my business? Focus on your vision. Sometimes there is only a need for 1% improvement in effort.
  • Apprieciation and Acknowledgement - The most important 'Top' values, are lifestyle focused.
  • Develope good business process habits
  • Use a Planner
  • Note Achievments
  • What is it I want to accomplish?
Sometimes we find ourself in the 'weeds' or problems, and focusing on them too much.
  • Take a breather, step up and away from the problem
  • Look at the bigger picture, clarity of view
  • Renewed sense of purpose, see other choices with more clarity and perspective.
  • And much more!
The year is going to be full of these challenging guest speakers, so please come along and join us

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Women In Business, NABEC, Ladybird, Tony Piccalo, Gawler, Gawler Arms Hotel,