Subject: Fw: The eagle
We can learn so much about the eagle....which is spoken of in Scripture.
The Nest
The eagle builds her nest high up on a rock. Upon this strong foundation, eagles gather together tree limbs that can be as large as four inches in diameter and six feet in length. Once the foundation is established, the mother eagle stays with the nest, arranging branches and getting it ready for the arrival of her young.
In the meantime, the daddy eagle continues to bring vines, leaves and the fur from animals they have captured to help finish off the nest. When it's complete the nest can weigh as much as two tones, be eight to ten feet wide, and be up to twenty feet deep. At this point, the mother eagle pulls feathers from her breast to pad the nest fr her babies. She then lays two to three eggs and stays with them until they hatch.
Waiting for the Arrival
While Mumma eagle is waiting, the Daddy is busy bringing her food to keep up her strength He is also on tho hunt for toys for the baby eaglets, bringing to the nest things like golf balls, tennis balls, old shoes, tin cans and any shiny metal he can find.
When the time for birth comes, the eaglet in the egg begins to peck his way out with a special tooth-like tip on the end of his beak. The eaglet pecks and pecks and pecks determinedly, until suddenly he gets a breakthrough. This God-given instinct actually helps prepare him for times of adversity he will face later in life.
Time to Fly
For about twelve weeks, the baby eaglets enjoy the safety and security of the feather=and fur-lined nest. They are well fed and kept comfortable by Mumma. Then one day the Mumma eagle suddenly starts throwing things out of the nest. She beats her wings against the branches, causing feathers, fur and the toys from their Father to go flying out. All comfort is removed. Instinctively, she knows it is time for their babies to learn how to fly. If they don't learn now, they wont make it in life.
Mumma's next move is to pick her babies up on her wings and take them for a ride. Once she is high enough in the sky, she drops them. Free-falling through the air, these eaglets don't understand what their Mumma is doing. But just before they hit the ground, she catches them, sweeps them back up on her wings, and soars high into the sky to do it again.
Over and over, she repeats the process until finally the baby eagles spread their wings and begin to fly. From this point on, their life is never the same. With each passing day, they grow more independent - learning to forage for food and sharpen their skills. They will fave many troubles and trials, but it's these adversities that help develop the conquering character eagles are known for - boldness, strength and fierce commitment.
The Eagle Christian
What does all this mean to you and me? What does God want us to learn form the life of an eagle? For starters, He wants us to build our lives on the Rock, Christ Jesus. In Luke 6:47,48, Jesus says, I will show you what it's like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching and then follows it. It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the flood waters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built.
The Lord also wants us to know that , like baby eagles, we too will experience times in our lives when He is launching us into something new. One moment we will be content and cozy in our Church, job or something else, and then suddenly God will begin shaking everything around us. the place that was once comfortable will become uncomfortable, and all of the 'toys' we enjoyed playing with and were attached to will be removed.
Things will be changing so fast that nothing will make sense. but God doesn't want us to be fearful. He wants us to hold tightly to Him, wait in His presence, and listen closely to what He says. Isaiah 40:31 says, Those who wait for the Lord (who expect, look for, and ope in Him) shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up (close to God) as eagles (mount up to the sun); they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk sand not faint or become tired.
Maybe you feel like you've been dropped by God-like everything was going great and then all of a sudden the bottom fell out. Don't panic or be overwhelmed with fear. God hasn't stopped loving you. He knows it's time to teach you what you need to know so that you can rise to new heights in Him. He's preparing you for what He has prepared for you.
I can tell you from personal experience that it's the difficulties we go through that turn us into an eagle ChristianSo don't just look at the pain -look at your progress. .Realise that there are things going on in your life right now that used to bother you years ago, but they don't bother you anymore. and there are things that bother you now that won't bother you as time goes by. Why? Because as you stay close to God, He is strengthening you and hardening you to difficulties.
Just as the eagle reaches its full potential by learning how to handle adversity, so can you. as he discerns the thermal currents of the coming storm, you can learn to discern the empowering flow of God's Spirit and yield to Him. The next time a storm comes your way, get close to God and wait upon Him. He'll help you see yourself as He sees you - - as more than a conqueror. He'll give you the courage to declare out loud, "I can do everything God asks me to do through the strength He gives me in Jesus.
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